Free Graphics each month

The graphics above are part of our Free Graphics project. You are free to share these graphics on your social channels, email to your friends, or anything else you want to do with them.

If you want to have your own logo added to them, then just send us an email to with your logo and we will get it back to you. If you want to create your own custom version of graphics similar to these, then contact us for a quote, but note that time is running out to get something finished for Christmas!

To make sure you get our Free Graphics each month, focused around an upcoming holiday or current event, sign up for our Newsletter at the bottom of this page.

This year, holiday shoppers will spend nearly $650 Billion at both retail and online stores, which is up by 8% from 2014.

On average, consumers are expected to spend $805.65 this year doing their holiday shopping, which includes buying food, decorations, and other items.

So how can your business get a piece of this $650 Billion pie? Check out our Infographic on Data Driven Holiday Marketing Strategies below!